Thursday 21 July 2011

Harry Potter!

Yesterday I was to see the final Harry Potter film and all I can say is it was EPIC.  Really, it was.  It gave me goosebumps, made me laugh and yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it, it made me cry.
By love for Harry Potter has existing for over 10 years now, I've read the books, listened to the tapes and watched the films, all more than once.  Going to the final film felt somewhat like the end of an era, and saying goodbye to a friend.  A few of the Harry Potter films have disappointed a little, not quite living up to my expectations, or the books, but this one really did.
The special effects were brilliant (at least to my untrained eye).  The battle scenes were exciting with explosions and fire.  Even the ending '19 years later' part wasn't as bad as people had lead me to believe (I had been told by more than one person to leave before the epilogue'.
I'm very glad they included the story of Snape and Lily, as that part of the book really breaks my heart. I feel for Snape, and it really does upset me, you really feel for this man who has been a person you love to hate for the rest of the books, and at the moment I find myself actually loving him.
Anyway this film was simply wonderful and whoever hasn't seen it should go whether you've seen the others or not.

Before the film, me and Michelle went for a meal at pizza express, and I had the Melanzane Parmigiana, without the Grana Padana for the veggie option.  I was dithering between this and a Verdure Leggara pizza with extra caramelised onions and think I made the wrong choice.  But I hadn't had the Melanzane Parmigiana before, and I do like trying different things.  However, whilst it was tasty enough, I found there was too much sauce in relation to the aubergine, and could have done with some garlic bread to soak up the rest of the cheesy tomatoy-ness.  But I had a 50% of voucher so was worth the money.  Which is more than I can say for cinema food.  But I decided to splash out because I hadn't been to the cinema for ages, and as it was a special occasion (yes, the final Harry Potter film does count as a special occasion) I decided to treat myself to a bag of sweet popcorn, managing to munch my way through a medium bag of popcorn, consuming a fair amount before the film had even started.  So all my hard work on the exercise bike yesterday- 60 minutes to be exact!- was wasted.  Aside from the cranberry and white chocolate cookie I had for breakfast (healthy yes?) I've been better today, so hopefully diet should get back on track!

Also, I forgot to say, I'd left my 3D glasses at home meaning I had to pay for a new pair, HOWEVER I am super glad I did, as it meant I could buy these Harry Potter themed ones, which to me are just expressly cool, and I shall be using them for every film in the future.

Peace and love :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so jealous you got the Harry Potter 3D glasses! They didn't have them when I went to see Harry Potter, and I went on the first day it came out! Oh well.
